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Investing in FOMO Network
Contract Address:
FOMO, is an ERC20 token based on Ethereum blockchain and is currently being traded on Uniswap Exchange.
Our token contract has been renounced and our liquidity locked for over 970 years. Meaning that trading is 100% safe.
FOMO token contains no taxes, allowing you to trade freely without penalty.
Suite of Tools for the Defi World
FOMO aims to bridge the gap between new and experienced crypto currency investors.
Discover FOMO Trading Bot, the fastest / cheapest Telegram trading bot, thats revolutionising DeFi on Ethereum.
Utilise your favourite crypto currencies in our many gaming applications, play to earn.
A unique collection of 700 NFT’s that grant the owner residual income via our revenue share scheme.
Major Milestones
Listed below is both our past and future achievements.
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